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I Tried Ugu Smoothie And...

Ugu, lime and Banana

So I'm back on the weight loss journey again. (I know, don't even start with me guys, it's not been easy) I somehow realised that I have been trying it the wrong way. It happens that I have not exactly been losing weight but maintaining weight. (Yeah, crazy stuff)

Anyway, I decided to try more weight loss enabling smoothies, one of which is Ugu, yes o, your favourite Nigerian vegetable soup base. When I came across the recipe, I was like "no way" but guys, as I type this, I am sipping on my Ugu smoothie and nodding to the voice in my head that says "Yes way"...

I know it sounds crazy because we only know Ugu to be cooked for soup and sometimes for other foods but basically, cooked. You should, however, not shut down this recipe, because it is great, I am going to list below, some of the already known health benefits of Ugu and then the recipe. Keep reading.

Benefits Of Ugu (Fluted Pumpkin)

Balances The Hormones: Ugu contains the right amount of protein needed for hormone balancing, tissue repairs and regulating the acidities of body cells and organs. This is why consuming fluted pumpkin leaves is very 
essential as it's content of protein will help in improving the body cells as well as replacing broken ones in the body.

Effective For Weight Loss: Ugu is one of those vegetables that is highly recommended for weight loss because of its effectiveness in weight management. Not only that, but It also contains little or no calories which eliminates the chances of storing more calories in the body.

Improvement Of Memory: Ugu leaves, just like most green leafy vegetables contain certain compounds that help to improve one's memory. It also contains vital nutrients such as vitamins and magnesium which aid in the improvement and normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Now, this delicious smoothie is one I would recommend for everyone. It serves as a refreshing drink that will be enjoyed at any occasion like birthdays, girls hangout, your teen's party or just a detoxifying drink.

How To Prepare Ugu Smoothie

Ugu vegetable
2 Bananas
1 Ball of lime

Pluck a handful and of Ugu leaves and wash with clean running water.
Peel and slice banana into small sizes to make blending easy.
Cut your lime
In a blender, add the Ugu leaves, then the bananas and squeeze the lime juice into it.
Add half a cup of water or more depending on the quantity you wish to make.
Blend till smooth or to whatever consistency you are happy with. (The smoother, the better though)

Your smoothie is ready to be served. 
Just like most smoothies, it is best served chilled, and you can achieve that by placing the smoothie in a fridge for a while or just dropping a good amount of ice into it.

This smoothie is awesome guys. I know you are probably thinking it won't taste nice at all but the banana and lime gives it such an amazing taste. You just have to try it for yourself to know.

Try it out and let me know if you enjoyed the smoothie.

Love, Nina.


  1. nice theme color to go with the ugu leaf 😁

  2. lover of healthy food definitely going to try it

  3. haugilOalpe Tim Drescher Crack

  4. crasnaMtiase_1993 Dave Hundley



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