The beauty of being a child is not knowing responsibility. Your survival is not in your hands, neither is the survival of your loved ones. You simply exist! At the stage of adolescence, you roam with pride of quick knowledge. You think you are wiser and "woke" compared to your parent or guardian. Time and again, you get into situations that give you the false feeling of independence and responsibility towards decisions that affect you; how you want to dress, the name you'd rather go by, the hairstyle that befits the contour of your face, the friends you keep. These and more create a falsehood of the knowledge of life and all that it entails. But isn't life humbling to those who think they know it all? A step into adulthood is the most exciting, yet horrific reality an individual can face depending on several circumstances. You have gone from knowing it all, to being plainly confused. Now there are expectations and responsibilities you might not have been warned about ...