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Showing posts from November 22, 2020

Health Tips for Busy Entrepreneurs

“The greatest wealth is health.” - Virgil Whenever I see quotes on health and fitness, I wonder if busy entrepreneurs even have the time to digest those quotes. If you have ever tried your hands on running a personal business, whatever kind it maybe, you will agree with me that the first thing at stake is your mental health. Entrepreneurs are powerful people, just because they have a heart with a bone attached to it. Whether they are winning or not, the ability to create something, try their possible best to sell it and make profit in an economy that frustrates literary everyone, is a big deal. But in the midst of all the hustle and bustle, there remains the need to stay alive and for that to happen, one needs to take care of their health and that includes mental health, physical and spiritual health This blog post, is dedicated to every hard working entrepreneur out there, doing the most. Here is a list of tips for your health and fitness, enjoy. 1. Drop the sugar: When you are out th...