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Easter On Lockdown.

Easter is a time when Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is a yearly celebration that reminds us of the love, sacrifice and living miracle that we enjoy as children of God. For as long as I can remember, Easter is one of those holidays that I look forward to after Christmas, this is due to the amazing reenacting of Christ's experience on earth; from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem to the crucifixion of Jesus and His resurrection. Easter has always been memorable.

One of the most beautiful part of Easter for me is the Sunday morning, that is literary the only time I get to see a real life donkey because donkeys aren't very popular in Nigeria.

Unfortunately, this year's Easter celebration will not be observed like the years before due to a world wide pandemic caused by the outbreak of Corona virus throughout several countries in the world. This is probably the most unusual Easter ever. People are expected to stay in their houses to help reduce the spread of the virus as well as avoid contacting it. The government of Nigeria have in addiction to a lockdown being observed in some states of the nation declared today a public holiday so that Christians across the country will have the opportunity to celebrate with their families.

Before now, you would have families going out to have fun, experience the outdoor together and exchange gifts. You would also have churches organize some evens that most times include drama, recitals and dance choreography to entertain and enlighten members on the importance of the celebration to us all. Right now, due to the lockdown, people and families will have to find a way around keeping their spirit alive and celebrate in their houses as outdoor centers aren't exempted from the lockdown.

As frustrating as this may seem, it is very important for the sake of our mental well being that we do our possible best to maintain a high energy this festive period.

Families who are fortunate to be together during this lockdown can still create fun memories together by practicing some DIY activities like making of Easter baskets, as well as getting the little ones to make an Easter egg and decorations. Food and drinks if available should be prepared on a beautifully set family table and Easter stories could be told by parents.

For the single people, this is a good time to put a video call through to your loved ones because social distance should not become emotional distance as well. Putting a call through to someone you love and miss will help feel the gap of loneliness and keep you in good spirit as you cheers to a glass of wine over the call.

The point is, we all can still enjoy Easter in various ways while maintaining our distances, it does not really take that much.

I do hope that you enjoy today, I wish you and yours a splendid Easter celebration.

With Love, Nina 💖


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    Love, Nina


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